Skyrim eyebrows not moving
Skyrim eyebrows not moving

skyrim eyebrows not moving

It goes without saying, but you shouldn't stash your items in someone's home. Otherwise, beat a hasty retreat, and remember that bounties are only applicable to the hold in which the crime occurred - and other holds won't arrest you on sight.ĭon't Store Items in Places You Don't Own If you are past the point of talking - remember you can sheathe your weapon and guards may be more inclined to stop attacking and simply arrest you.


Obviously if you already know that particular enchantment, feel free to sell the item, but if you're a warrior and find an enchanted staff with fire damage - it may make sense to disenchant the staff you were never going to use anyway in order to enchant your own weapons with fire damage.įor most of the game, the guards of the various Holds of Skyrim are fairly tough to tangle with - mostly due to the fact that they constantly scale with your level until you are a very high level character - and they will usually summon guards from every corner of the city to come help, and will often swarm you along with townsfolk.īecause of this, it's better to run or simply turn yourself in if you get caught doing something you shouldn't.


While enchanted items are often very valuable - and sell for quite a lot, those who want to enchant their own Weapons and Armor should refrain from selling enchanted items when they can be disenchanted instead.ĭisenchanting an item at the enchanting table will allow you to learn how to enchant other items with whatever properties were held in the item that you disenchanted. You want to hoard things that weigh very little but are worth a lot - like gems, as opposed to things that weight a ton and are worth very little - like steel armor. Suddenly, taking that heavy kettle doesn't hold the same appeal when you could use the same weight to pick up half a dozen jeweled circlets.Īlways be mindful of the weight:cost ratio. But you'll soon find that your inventory is limited to your stamina and carry weight. It can be tempting - especially early in the game when you are short on gold - to pick up and loot everything that is not nailed down. Resist the Urge to Pick Up Literally Everything Note that some Essential NPCs will lose their essential status after certain quests that involve them are complete - but this only applies to certain characters. It's best to save before you consider murdering someone - just in case they can't die. This can make "Town Murder Sprees" problematic when you encounter several NPCs that cannot be killed, effectively making it impossible to completely wipe out a town.


Unless you have a mod that disables Essential NPCs, attacking an Essential NPC until their health runs out will only put them in a state of recovery for a short while until they get back up and their health returns to full. This also includes any children - no matter how annoying they may be. This goes double for trying to kill said animals, as the people of the town will become very unhappy with you murdering their livestock. Oddly enough, the animals of Skyrim are as aware of theft as any human, and should you steal from someone while a horse, chicken, or other domestic animal is watching - expect them to alert the proper authorities. This may sound absurd, but every thief should know you can't have any witnesses when you attempt to commit a crime - and that includes animals. Spreading your points too thin can have the same effect, so perhaps its best to hold off leveling up some magic skills if you've already committed to being a heavy armor warrior wielding two-handed weapons. This means if you spend 10 levels only building up non- combat skills, you may find that enemies will be tougher then when you last encountered them, especially if you aren't learning new combat skills as well. That doesn't mean they will always be as strong as you, but they will increase as long as you keep leveling up and gaining Skills. While not scaled to the extent that Oblivion was, expect enemies to keep up with you as you level. While it's understandable that you want your character to be a god at everything: a master fighter mage thief alchemist who excels at all kinds of weaponry - remember that the game evolves with you.

skyrim eyebrows not moving

  • See Also: Things to Do First in Skyrim,.

  • Skyrim eyebrows not moving